I’m with the wind, I’m with the wind

For many years, Sun Hao floated with the wind. Killed a lot of wind-attribute animals again, killed a wind dragon again, and harvested four flying feather magic grass again. In the tenth year, Sun Hao’s sixth spirit completed its initial transformation. Sun Hao was very surprised by the strength of Dapeng Golden Winged Bird. At […]

The universe is so vast that it is not impossible to calculate the whole aura pulse with the help of Yang’s destruction, but will it take 30 thousand years or 300 thousand years? Tao Zun himself can’t say for sure, but Mo djinn has already made a move, although he hasn’t really appeared. How can he wait for tens of thousands of years?

Tao Zun calculated "one point" The monarch waved his big sleeves lightly, and the mid-point fluorescence flashed in front of Su Jing, and a star map jumped out of sight and appeared clearly. The divine king pointed to a star near the southeast in the star map and asked Su Jing, "Have you been there?" […]

"My five generations of possessions were destroyed by you … now … now you want to destroy my family … Su Yonglin … I won’t let you go! !”

"Do ghost won’t leave me alone? I’m sorry. You’re not even my opponent. What’s more, you’re a ghost? When I die, there will be many people following my old staff, and I will beat the daylights out of you, even ghosts can’t do it. " Su Yonglin stopped, turned around and walked to Zhou Yunxiang’s […]